HomeFree SoftwareHow to Uninstall AOMEI Backupper Standard Free

How to Uninstall AOMEI Backupper Standard Free

In this article, I will teach you how to uninstall AOMEI Backupper Standard free from a Windows computer. AOMEI Backupper Standard is a straightforward free computer backup and restores, sync, and clone application for desktop laptops and computers running the Windows operating system. Do you have difficulty completely removing AOMEI Backupper Standard from your device? Are you looking for a useful solution to completely remove it from the system? Do not worry! You are in the right place, and you will be able to remove AOMEI Backupper Standard without any trouble. Visit Ubackup to download AOMEI Backup.

Uninstall AOMEI Backupper Standard

To remove AOMEI Backupper Standard, use its uninstaller.exe.
Most computer programs have uninst000 or uninstall.exe in their installation location. You need to execute installation files in order to start the AOMEI Backupper removal process. Here are the steps.
Go to the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper Standard free. Most of the time, it is placed in C:\Program files(x86)\AOMEI\AOMEI Backupper or C:\Programs files.

AOMEI backupper installed location

In the AOMEI Backupper uninstalls wizard, type a reason why you want to uninstall, and then click on Continue uninstalling.

AOMEI Backupper uninstall wizard

Uninstall the AOMEI Backupper interface, If you are sure you want to remove it, then click yes.

AOMEI backupper uninstall

AOMEI Backupper Standard starts the uninstalling process.

Uninstall AOMEI Backupper

After successfully uninstalling your device, click on the Yes button to restart the computer.

Remove AOMEI Backupper uninstall

Uninstall AOMEI Backupper via Apps and Features

To do this, right-click on the Win Start button, and then select Apps and Features.

Right click start button

On the apps & features page, search for AOMEI Backupper Standard in the list. Click on the three dots and then uninstall. Confirm the removal wizard and restart the computer right away, or do it later.

Apps & features

Click on the Win search bar, enter the control panel, and open it.

Search control panel in Win

Click on the Uninstall a Program link.

Control panel

In the Programs and Features window,. Find AOMEI Backupper from the list, and then click on Uninstall button.

Programs and features uninstall AOMEI

Follow the uninstall wizard and restart your computer.

A Professional Technology Blog Writer | An energetic professional with more than 20+ years of rich experience in Technology, Planning, Designing, Installation, and Networking.


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